Coconut oil is described as a low-fat oil and contains no cholesterol. Researchers discovered that saturated fats rich in medium chain fatty acids (MFCA) like those found in Virgin Coconut Oil are beneficial. MCFAs are also called anti-microbial fatty acids. Nutrizen EVCO has high levels of Lauric acid, an MCFA highly present in mothers breast milk and known to be anti-viral and anti-bacterial. It is easily digested and absorbed by the body and is converted directly into energy.
Is"absolutlely no heat" cold pressed. It is not subjected to heating or boiling that may alter the oils composition.
It is not refined, bleached, deodorised or hydrogenated. It does not contain chemical additives, and no fermentation is involved in the process. What we get is pure , unadulterated coconut oil Nutrizen evco has a mild and distinct coconut aroma and taste
Strengthens the immune system Anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, (hepatitis C, measles, herpes, infleuenza, throat infection, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, ringworm, candida, yeast infection, etc.)
Improves digestion and nutrient absorbtion Increases metabolism, boosts energy level.
Reduces the risk of cancer Helps regulate blood sugar levels Stimulates thyroid function Lowers Cholesterol Prevents heart disease and high blood pressure
Helps protect against osteoporosis
Promotes weight loss Helps prevent wrinkles, stretch markes, scar tissue and age spots Protects the skin from infections and helps control dandruff
Food suplement- take 1 to 6 tablespoons,or capsules daily, orally or added to food Cooking or baking- use as a substitute for cooking oil, butter or margarine
Hair and skin care-Use a hair treatment, moisturiser, or as a massage oil

Made with beeswax, shea butter and virgin coconut oil. variants 1) CocoVanilla 2) Orange 25% virgin coconut oil.
THE WORLDS FINEST OIL Strengthens the immune system.
The finest oil in the world for cooking with, does not change into trans fatty acids, therefore no free radicals to cause cancers
For further details please go our website:-Primeclasstraders
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